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Healing through triggering Healing through triggering Underlying thoughts of people: “Yes, I can imagine that you trigger people…”   Everything that triggers you, that you absorb through your senses (hearing, seeing, tasting, other people’s statements) and that causes deep painful reactions in your thoughts and feelings, that you vehemently deny, are topics that you have […]

Technique for letting go Technique for letting go Underlying thoughts of people: “Oh and if you have a good technique for letting go, I would be interested in that too.”   There are many techniques, methods and tools for moving your mind to silence. Try yourself in all of these. See what is good for […]

Reincarnation and what are we here for? Reincarnation and what are we here for? Underlying thoughts of people: “Sabrina, do you believe in reincarnation? What are we here for?”   Faith is a more widespread concept. What you believe is what you think – quite simply. But there is a difference between whether you really […]

What is the task in my life? What is the task in my life? Underlying thoughts of people: “Now I’m stuck here, nothing happens in my life. Life has always guided me… ( ) I’ve asked myself the question over the days, what am I doing here…?“ And: „I often ask myself why I’m here […]

Low energy Low energy Underlying thoughts: “External factors also influence us… I have to constantly maintain my energy, with the low energies here. This is so tiring. It’s other people who make you feel that way. So it is our outside world that is to blame for the low energies…“   If you think other […]

Which faith suits me? Which faith suits me? Underlying thoughts: “Sabrina, do you believe in God? Or the universe? I took refuge in church because I was searching…or is spirituality the right thing?”   You give your life energy to the situation that you think about and believe in. If you look for yourself – […]

Manifesting does not have to be an expression of deficiency Manifesting does not have to be an expression of deficiency Underlying thoughts: “But what about the “manifestations” you talk about at the end? Aren’t these all just things that an „I“ (thinking, mind) would like? Isn’t it the case that life is simply lived without […]

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