Why do I keep thinking about the past?

Why do I keep thinking about the past?

Why do I keep thinking about the past?

Underlying thoughts of people:

“Why do I always want to reflect on my old self in the past instead of visualizing and feeling my future self? … ( ) … How do I get rid of this… or do I even have to get rid of it?”


Everything that we experience and have experienced in our past and do not consciously process will soon catch up with us again during our lives. Experiences that we repressed, feelings and thoughts that we do not consciously reflect on again, allow us to continue to think about the past. We continually experience our past, not living here and now, or imagining future plans. Rather, we have to keep going back to what we experienced to ensure that we have solved subconscious issues. It is therefore completely natural to continue to live here and now in thoughts of the past if we have not yet consciously processed our inner issues and traumas.


My experience

My life is marked by experiences of deep pain and the highest joys of life. But I didn’t consciously go through these painful phases either. On the contrary, I shut them up and let them burden my being. Inner tension, aggression, triggers from my outside world and unconscious reactions to other people’s statements kept me trapped in a cage. As I woke up and became aware of my thoughts, I was able to continually reflect on what happened in the past. I relived all the experiences with former partners, experiences that I had to painfully relive through travel. This was the only way I could find myself in the present moment, let go of the past and make plans for the future. I became detached not only from my inner world, but also from my outer world. This led me to detach myself from any possessions that were connected to previous experiences or people. I didn’t longer hold on to pictures, love letters or other gifts. I was able to let everything go very easily.


Do the following

If you are already aware of what you are thinking and how you feel, you need to continually think through situations. But be clear about what life task you have to fulfill with it. Be aware of what this experience was good for in your life and what lesson it taught you: setting boundaries, recognizing your neediness or jealousy, or even letting aggression go. Every person is a mirror for you. Use these experiences with others to look deep inside yourself. You don’t have to do anything else. Just be aware of your thoughts and feelings in the moment. Detach yourself more and more and you will also detach yourself from your outside world. Create space and energy for new things to make plans for your future.


Go within yourself and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why do I continue to hold on to the past?
  • Why do I continue to hold on to former partners?
  • What have past experiences taught me?
  • Which internal issues should be resolved:
    • Was I jealous?
    • Was I “needy”?
    • Was I self-sacrificing?
    • Did I let everything happen to me?
    • Was I selfless or demanding?
    • Was I aggressive?


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