What is my fulfillment? What is my fulfillment? Underlying thoughts of people: “I currently have no job, few social contacts, a lot of emptiness and boredom. It makes me depressed and almost all in my head. Don’t endure this idleness and silence. I’m missing a fulfilling task.” Energy follows your attention. If you continue […]
Posts Tagged
‘living dreams’
What is the task in my life? What is the task in my life? Underlying thoughts of people: “Now I’m stuck here, nothing happens in my life. Life has always guided me… ( ) I’ve asked myself the question over the days, what am I doing here…?“ And: „I often ask myself why I’m here […]
Following your heart Following your heart Underlying thoughts of people: “Does healing happen when I decide for myself and follow my heart?” You can live your life according to your mind, go through your life unconsciously. Not opening yourself up to new things and only living according to constraints of security, control, possessions or […]
What is my purpose? What is my purpose? Underlying thoughts of people: “Sabrina, I have a dream of owning a hotel, can you help me how to get there?” Living dreams, wishes and gifts is a privilege that is only given to us humans. But losing yourself in it doesn’t let you live in […]
Find fulfillment Find fulfillment Underlying thoughts: “And you’re doing coaching now or what exactly are you doing?” The mind always needs a name for something. People cannot let things be, but need an explanation, an evaluation and a naming of a thing. Something to hold on to. There are people who describe my nature […]