The search for ourselves

The search for ourselves

The search for ourselves

Underlying thoughts of people:

“So that means that because I’m too busy with the subject and my thoughts and mind, I can’t let go? Because I’m looking for answers and obsessing too much? Instead of just living or what should I conclude?”

Searching in our minds, we will not find the answer to our life. The search in the mind requires the search outside. We don’t let our thoughts be, detach ourselves from them, but are busy searching for answers in our heads. Rumination and fears are the result of thinking too much. We don’t live, we think over, instead of perceiving.


My experience

I’ve been searching all my life. I searched for my truth all over the world. My dreams and imagination kept me awake to travel the world. Unconsciously, I was constantly searching. Pain was my guide. Pain continually asked me to change. Today I know: Pain is a good sign because it triggers change. Today I am aware that the only peace can be found within myself – in the calmness of myself and my life. It doesn’t matter what I do or where I am. For me, every moment represents a state of contentment. Because I am aware that all thoughts, feelings and actions are determined by me.


Do the following

Your thoughts and your outside world keep you busy. This means that you don’t let go, but are constantly looking. You search for answers in your mind instead of letting your thoughts be and perceiving the moment. In the moment of awareness of yourself lies the satisfaction of the present moment. No matter where you are or what you are doing, simply notice every moment of your life. Notice where you are, what people surround you, what needs to be done or not.


Go within yourself and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What topic is currently on my mind?
  • What should I do now to calm my thoughts?
  • Why don’t I even notice the present moment: where I am, sitting or lying, what I’m thinking and how I’m feeling?


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