Using the mind as a servant
Using the Mind as a Servant
Using the mind as a servant
Thoughts from People:
“You write: ‘Use your mind as a servant.’ Do you have any tips on how to do this? How can it serve me (examples)? How can I find the balance between using the mind ‘too much or too little’?”
We work against ourselves when we allow negative thoughts to dominate our lives. When we unconsciously hurt others – and ourselves – by diminishing our self-worth, condemning ourselves, or causing physical harm. When we view life as difficult and unclear. We hold ourselves back by procrastinating instead of tackling things decisively. We harm ourselves when we let toxic people into our lives who hurt us, rather than focusing on those who empower and appreciate us. Overthinking, instead of reflecting consciously and truly living, causes us to lose focus.
However, the mind becomes a servant when we consciously shape our lives according to our values. When we understand that everything that comes into our lives carries a lesson. Even in painful times, we can direct our thoughts toward gaining something positive. By doing so, we use our minds to serve us – creating a life of clarity and growth. We become aware of our bodies and what they need to maintain balance.
Personal Experience
For a long time, I allowed my mind to take control of me and my life. But life brought me the situations I needed to recognize this. A large part of my life was marked by hurting others – and the consequences didn’t take long to appear. Life held up a mirror to me, bringing people into my life who were as toxic as my own thoughts. With every friendship, every relationship, and every person I met, I was given a lesson.
Every person who challenged me, every situation that pushed me to my limits, carried a message for me: Look closely, reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Bit by bit, I became more aware of my own nature. Today, I neither hurt others nor myself. Instead, I am conscious of every moment – my thoughts, my actions, and how I treat myself and others. I am attuned to my body, to what it needs, and I act accordingly. I actively shape my life according to my vision, enjoy the moment, and use my mind to create the life I desire.
Your mind becomes a servant when you consciously observe how you think about yourself and others. When you design your life according to your values, enjoy the moment, and reflect on every situation, you employ it purposefully. When you are attuned to how your body feels and what it needs – rest or activity. Your mind serves you when you give it attention only for thoughts that are constructive and free from negativity.
This also means no longer giving unnecessary space to the shadows of your life. Instead of suppressing painful experiences, you accept them. When you realize that you have control over your perception and no longer give power to negative aspects, you gain freedom. Your mind then becomes a tool that serves you rather than controls you. Right now, as you read these words, ask yourself: How does your life look? Does it align with your values? Are the people around you those you want to walk your path with?
Take a moment to reflect on these questions:
- How do I perceive the world when I reflect on myself?
- Does my life at this moment align with what I desire?
- Why do I allow thoughts and judgments to take control?
- What path could I take if I truly listened to my inner voice?
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