Come into action
Come into action
Come into action
Underlying thoughts of people:
“That’s exactly how I feel, but I can’t get into action and go, I’m always just thinking about where to go, what’s the right way, how can I finally get going and get out of my head.”
If you want to take action but don’t know how, your attention is still in your head. Energy follows your attention. You ponder and think about how you can finally get out of your head, and in this situation you send all your life energy into your thoughts. You block yourself by thinking too much instead of acting.
My experience
There were many phases in my life when I blocked myself mentally. I continued to send all my energy into my head wondering what I should do next. I was walking in circles, wasting my time and life energy and not recognizing the path to implementation. But intuitively I knew there had to be a way out of it. So, what did I do to sort out my thoughts and realize that I was channeling all of my life energy into my head? – I started writing. I simply wrote down all my thoughts as they came into my head until my mind was empty. During this time, I also used Yin yoga and meditation to move my mind into silence and create clarity. This was the only way I could soon see clearly again and recognize my path, which was blocked by my loud thoughts.
Do the following
If you want to get into action but don’t know how, it is necessary to calm your mind. Grab a piece of paper or a notebook and start writing all of your thoughts out of your head. Use Yin yoga and meditations to move your noisy mind into silence. Once you have done this, you will be able to master your life with a clear mind again. Make very clear decisions about what you really want – write these down too.
Create your clear path, where you want to go in the future and where you want to direct your attention. Give energy to the situations you want to find yourself in the future. Do this every day and you will attract these situations into your life based on clear decisions. Use your energy and time for what is to come instead of staying in place and stucking in your past. You too deserve to live in freedom. You just have to open yourself up to it.
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