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HomeAuthor's Article(s) Sabrina Schneider

Negative Gedanken loswerden Negative Gedanken loswerden Gedanken der Menschen: „Ich sehe leider auch vieles negativ. Habe bisher noch keinen Weg gefunden, das zu ändern.“   Dir bewusst zu sein, dass du Situationen deines Lebens durch eine negative Brille siehst, ist der erste Schritt zur Selbsterkenntnis. Bist du dir im Klaren über deine Gedanken, dass du […]

The difference between inner voice and mind The difference between inner voice and mind Underlying thoughts of people: “It’s always what you think. So Sabrina would now say that it’s all just in the head.”   What you think and believe will be truth for you. But know that nothing is as it seems. Because […]

Behavior when afraid Behavior when afraid Underlying thoughts of people: “I don’t understand why I’m scared? Why is the fear there? I’m trying to understand, but it just doesn’t click…“   If you feel feelings of fear, or feelings of anger, insecurity, shame, and so on… and you try to understand why that is, then […]

Too much energy in the body Too much energy in the body Underlying thoughts of people: “I have so much energy in my body, I don’t even know how to get rid of it…?”   Every person contributes to the bigger picture. Every person has a different task that they have to fulfill, which lies […]

Compulsive control Compulsive control Underlying thoughts of people: “I have such a thing that everything always has to be tidy… a real compulsion to control… how do I get rid of that?”   If you believe that you suffer from a compulsion to control and always have to do everything clean and tidy, then you […]

Recognizing suffering Recognizing suffering Underlying thoughts of people: “How can I change this, the condition, feelings and suffering? Don’t see how anyone can think otherwise?”   You ask how you can change the state and you also want to understand how you can think differently. Where do these questions take place? Where are you sending […]

Setting boundaries Setting boundaries Underlying thoughts of people: “How to differentiate yourself? Inner peace comes from now awareness… it’s not that easy.“   Inner peace comes from now awareness – inner peace is always there – at the time “now”. But if you think that it is not so easy to distance yourself from other […]

The search for love The search for love Underlying thoughts of people: “Aha… Well everything is vague… Everything is in me and not in the other? What if the other person denies their feelings? It’s not that easy with unconditionality.”   Be sure that everything you say and ask with these sentences takes place in […]

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