Healing through triggering Healing through triggering Underlying thoughts of people: “Yes, I can imagine that you trigger people…” Everything that triggers you, that you absorb through your senses (hearing, seeing, tasting, other people’s statements) and that causes deep painful reactions in your thoughts and feelings, that you vehemently deny, are topics that you have […]
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Finding inner peace Finding inner peace Underlying thoughts of people: “So many things trigger me, the people, the wars, the environmental pollution, the suffering of animals, and that’s why I prefer to be alone in my inner bubble where everything is fine, but is that the solution, the goal…? Does that help anyone or anything […]
Fear of death fear of death Underlying thoughts of people: “Have you ever made a video about the fear of death?” It is completely natural as a human being to be afraid of death, because the mind wants to, but cannot and will not understand what happens after human death. If you are afraid […]
What is the task in my life? What is the task in my life? Underlying thoughts of people: “Now I’m stuck here, nothing happens in my life. Life has always guided me… ( ) I’ve asked myself the question over the days, what am I doing here…?“ And: „I often ask myself why I’m here […]
Finally arriving Finally arriving Underlying thoughts of people: „If you’re constantly changing, then you haven’t arrived yet… don’t you want to arrive at some point…?“ The only constant thing in life is change – the natural process of life. This is the only way you can learn and develop towards yourself. Through change you […]
Truly recognizing Truly recognizing Underlying thoughts of people: “How does recognition work?”; “I don’t know how to recognize, can you help me?”; “I’m trying to understand, but it just doesn’t click…”; “How did you manage to realize that? I don’t know how that’s supposed to work…?” If you ask yourself all these questions, you […]
Get into the moment Underlying thoughts: “I do a lot of exercise, meditate every day, spend a lot of time in nature, but I still can’t get into the moment. Do you have a hint for me?“ Sport, nature and meditation can enable you to get closer to yourself. But the mind is […]
Manifesting does not have to be an expression of deficiency Manifesting does not have to be an expression of deficiency Underlying thoughts: “But what about the “manifestations” you talk about at the end? Aren’t these all just things that an „I“ (thinking, mind) would like? Isn’t it the case that life is simply lived without […]