Positive expression

Positive expression

Positive expression

Underlying thoughts:

“Is it perhaps a good tool to use positive language to automatically direct thoughts in that direction?”


Everything you say is your responsibility. You can reflect on everything that has been said and become aware of it. You can gain clarity about what you say, how you say it and how you interact with other people. All the thoughts and feelings you have express themselves in your behavior and in your pronunciation. If you are resentful and angry, have thoughts and feelings of anger, then you will behave accordingly towards yourself and others. You will radiate it and communicate it that way. If you are clear and happy with yourself, you will behave accordingly and deal with those around you.

Everything you say can be helpful but also hurtful to other people. Be aware of what you say, how you say it to other people and also to yourself. Life gives you what you give. If you give kind words, you will also receive them. If you focus your attention on being resentful and dissatisfied, you will automatically transfer this to other people.


Do the following

Take responsibility for yourself and your words. Choose them wisely and for coexistence instead of hurting other people because you are not in harmony with yourself and your life. You can determine your own words, reflect on what you say and be there to support yourself and other people with your spoken thoughts. You can consciously decide to use positive expression to sort your thoughts and be a positive role model for others.


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