Getting rid of anger

Getting rid of anger

Getting rid of anger

Underlying thoughts of people:

„I feel so much anger. Can’t express it. That leads me into depression. I have so much energy inside me. But I can’t get it to flow.“


Accumulated energy in your body is caused by unconscious authority issues. If you feel anger or aggression, a feeling of excess energy within you, it is necessary to release this energy build-up. Whatever situation or person has caused this energy build-up within you, it is necessary to recognise anger through forgiveness and release it. It may have been situations in which you suppressed your energy through statements made by your parents, or rather authorities, and need to be released at this point.


My experience

There were also phases in my life when I permanently suppressed my energy. I couldn’t live this energies because I felt it wasn’t socially acceptable. Authorities in my environment made statements that kept me calm, but I should have done the opposite. In this way, I suppressed the energy that had built up in my body. I also didn’t know how to release this anger and let it flow freely again. Awareness was the key. I worked with myself for over two years. I used yoga and stretching to release my body in every way.

This is how I managed to get to my subconscious issues in silence and in the long term. I let out anger at other people, forgave them and consciously lived through feelings in order to release my energy build-up. In this way, I found peace and calm. Today I know that I can access my energy at any time and let it flow freely – to where I feel it is needed. I do what I enjoy and what brings me joy, go to the mountains, go travelling or use it for my projects.


Do the following

Realise that it is essential to let go of this pent-up anger that you have accumulated over the years. It no longer matters who made statements to keep you in your shadow. It’s about realising that you have caused this build-up of energy within you. Recall the authorities who permanently stopped you in your childhood and prevented you from acting differently than they told you to. Today you feel this pent-up energy and you need to get rid of it in order to recognise peace within yourself.

Use any kind of stretching and yoga to free your body. Yin yoga can help and support you to release subconscious issues. Release your anger by using effective methods such as shouting into a cushion and consciously experiencing emotions. Find peace by releasing aggression and learning to direct your energy wisely. From now on, you can let your energy flow and organise your life as you see fit.


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