Meditation simply explained

Meditation explained simply

„Meditation is the state of being alert in every moment of your life.“


Underlying thoughts:

„I can’t meditate, I always think I have to lie down and always be completely calm, I don’t have the time…“


The meaning of meditation is what you believe about it. Whatever thoughts you have about meditation will also be truth for you. Because you give all your energy to your thoughts about what a perfect meditation should be like. You think it’s difficult to find peace, that you have to do something or that you don’t have time. All these thoughts only take place in your mind and prevent you from coming to yourself. No matter what that may look like.

Meditation simply explained

Do the following

Be clear that meditation can happen at any moment of your life. In every moment of your life – right now – you can come back to yourself, notice what is happening around you and within yourself, your thoughts and feelings. You can consciously decide where you direct your energy. Because meditation is the state of being alert in every moment of your life. No matter where you are or what you are doing, you can view each moment as a state of being and therefore meditation.

Come back to you now. Be aware of your thoughts and what they do to you. What they make you believe and how you automatically act and control your energy. You decide for yourself the meaning of meditation and how you evaluate this fact. No matter how you come to yourself: in movement, in lying down, in walking, in sitting, in everything you do, if you are alert to yourself and the outside world. You only have now. And this “now” is your life. Let every moment be a meditative state and enjoy your life in fullness, alertness and clarity.

Meditation simply explained

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