Why do other people have such interesting lives?

Why do other people have such interesting lives?

Why do other people have such interesting lives?

Underlying thoughts:

“I don’t know if you have any advice or a video that might help? … ( ) … Everyone has a life behind them where they can tell something about what is interesting for others, right? It always seems like I don’t have that. … ( ) … How do these people manage to tell something out of nothing? About travel, experiences, funny encounters…”


There are people who have eventful lives. A life that reflects many travels, experiences and encounters. They have chosen this life themselves and created it as they imagine it. And there are people who live a less experienced life, who are happy and content despite everything. Both choose their own lives – consciously or unconsciously. You can be out and about traveling, having experiences and still feel uncomfortable and unhappy. And you can live a peaceful life in a place where you are content and happy and recognize the beautiful moments in the here and now. It is only your mind that gives judgment to the fact.

Why do other people have such interesting lives?

My experience

My life has many experiences and adventures in store for me to learn and teach. Most of the time my inner voice, my heart, my intuition is so loud that I cannot ignore it, otherwise I would feel very bad mentally and physically. If I don’t listen to this nature within me, I suffer. My mind, or other people’s opinions, have no priority. The priority is the teaching, unconditional giving and following my own path. It is a path that the mind can neither determine nor understand. Yes, I use my mind wisely to walk the path, but my heart determines that path. Travel, adventure and experiences are a basic part of my life, just like peace and quiet. At this very moment I’m sitting in Spain, writing these lines, and in two months I’m traveling to South Africa for a few weeks…

Why do other people have such interesting lives?

Do the following

Your mind drowns out this inner voice within you and is so loud that you no longer perceive your intuition. Take time just for yourself and recognize the present moment. If you are aware of this quiet voice, calm your thoughts, then you are aware of where you can direct your life energy. You are aware of the small and beautiful things and see the positive in the here and now. No matter where you are. And you can also consciously decide whether you want to create a life according to your ideas without forgetting to perceive the present moment.

You can recognize what your heart tells you when it’s time to make history, travel and have adventures. Or not and no matter what age. But be sure: traveling, meeting people, adventures bring experiences, broaden your horizons and none of it is wrong or right. Everything brings you to inner peace and shows you which is your own path. Well, you decide whether you want to live a life of travel, or a life of peace in just one place… or maybe both in balance?

Why do other people have such interesting lives?

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