What is the task in my life?

What is the task in my life?

What is the task in my life?

Underlying thoughts of people:

“Now I’m stuck here, nothing happens in my life. Life has always guided me… ( ) I’ve asked myself the question over the days, what am I doing here…?“ And: „I often ask myself why I’m here at all… and what my job is…? “


Everything you ask yourself takes place in your thoughts. You direct your attention to asking yourself what your purpose is in this life. Here too, your mind is leading you astray. There is nothing to understand about this either, only your mind wants to understand. Your job is basically to be and live. You have a certain life energy that needs to be controlled. You can do anything you want on planet Earth. Because your thoughts automatically create your outside world.


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But if you continue to ask yourself what your task is, then you don’t direct your energy towards living in the here and now and enjoying intuitively, but instead you ponder what your task is. It is important for you to do what is necessary right now in order to create a life of harmony and abundance. Everything is already within you. All gifts, talents, desires… and all of this needs to be heard and lived within you, no matter where you are in your life. If nothing happens in your life anymore, you are no longer driven by your life, then you can recognize and decide for yourself how you live your life. You can consciously direct your life energy to where you want it to be. And recognize the natural change and change here too.

For a life of abundance, in the here and now, I enjoy the moment, no matter where I am and what I’m doing. I am in harmony with myself and my life. I give my body the rest it needs or exercise in nature – nature sports. Give him the food he needs, but also enjoy the pleasure. I love traveling, being in contact with people, or spending days in silence with myself. Everything is part of life for me. That’s why I consciously control my energy for a life of abundance and togetherness.

Be clear about your life energy and that you can create a life of abundance for yourself. Live your dreams, your gifts and talents. Travel, discover and try yourself. Use your time here on planet Earth to experience the diversity of the human species and nature. Because that is the meaning of life and your task – to be, to live contentedly and happily and to pass on what you are here for.


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