Archive for the
‘The Mind’ Category

Self-love and self-worth Self-love and self-worth Underlying thoughts: “I want to increase my self-worth and find self-love Sabrina, how does that work?”   If you want to increase your self-worth and find self-love, you will continue to channel your energy into your mind. You will continue to seek self-love to increase your self-worth. And don’t […]

Fear of not having money Fear of not having money Underlying thoughts: “I’m afraid of not making any money at the end of the month… how do I get out of this?   If you are currently afraid of not making any money at the end of the month, then this fear is only in […]

Loner or group person? Loner or group person? Underlying thoughts: “Sabrina, what are you saying? Are we loners or pack animals?”   You are what you believe you are. The way you think is how you will feel and behave automatically. If you think you are a loner, then you will behave like that and […]

Which faith suits me? Which faith suits me? Underlying thoughts: “Sabrina, do you believe in God? Or the universe? I took refuge in church because I was searching…or is spirituality the right thing?”   You give your life energy to the situation that you think about and believe in. If you look for yourself – […]

Identification with Jesus Christ Identification with Jesus Christ Underlying thoughts: “Identity/identification question: do you know Jesus Christ and his infinite love for you and his Spirit who lives in us?”   This is also a question that you believe and think accordingly. It is your faith in Jesus Christ and that His Spirit lives in […]

Fear of losing control   Underlying thoughts: “Have you made a video about the fear of losing control?”   Every fear has something to do with the fact that you don’t want to let yourself fall into the trust of life. Your thoughts hold on to people, situations and also feelings. This mental-emotional bond of […]

Getting recognition and having expectations Getting recognition and having expectations Underlying thoughts: “What you can do again is a video about expectations and recognition.”   Again and again I experience people who create their own suffering through expectations and demands for recognition. They are not aware that this recognition comes from them. And they are […]

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